Jotiz Desktop

The influence of astrology is very much on people now days. People often visit different places with their queries about their past and future. There are a number of people who come up to tell about their predictions. They now can have their own predictions also. They do not have to spend money and time on others to know their future or past. Jotiz Desktop is a tool that is developed to provide predictions of the astrological incidents.

Jotiz Desktop enables the user to create the astrological charts and data. This software can create much different type of charts and readings. These reports can also be analyzed by the user. The program provides the instant charts and computations of the reports to the user. Along with the creation and analyzing of the charts, this tool also allows the user to save those charts. The user can save the charts of friends, family and more.

Jotiz Desktop also shows the visual aspects of the charts created. The indications and predications are also found using the data. This software is compatible with the operating systems of Windows XP and Windows Vista. Jotiz Desktop is also well-matched with Windows 7 and Window 8 as well.

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