
AdBlock is a browser extension designed for a couple of web browsers such as Chrome and Safari. Internet surfers want a smooth experience and advertisements can easily ruin this. However, with the aid of a simple extension like this one, all of the intrusive content can be removed from a website, thus shrinking load times and allowing users to stay focused on the content they are looking for.

AdBlock features the classic installation process of an extension and after this process is ready, users will have a button at their disposal, next to the address bar. This way, they can quickly access the main features of the tool and configure it if they have various needs. The tool can be configured to remove advertisements based on various keywords or those that come from a certain source.

Besides blocking, AdBlock also has a whitelist feature. Here, users can add all of their favorite or needed websites that should display advertisements and similar content. Mistakes might appear and the extension might miss something, but users can manually disable an ad and the plugin will remember the option. It will also learn based on these happenings and it will be able to perfect itself constantly.

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